Frank Weichert

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TfP Request

If you are interested in a TfP shooting, just send me a short email using my contact form.

Include a link to your portfolio in the message and tell me what kind of shoot you would like? Please write a few lines about yourself, where you come from, if you have any experience in front of the camera, etc.

You should have the following requirements:

  • female and at least 18 years old
  • a well-groomed appearance
  • reliability
  • engagement
  • Time for the shoot. I don’t do a shoot under time pressure and a shoot for me can sometimes take 2 or 3 hours
  • A big portion of fun and a good mood

I value naturalness, expressiveness and changeability. I also really enjoy working with beginners/newcomers who have natural posing confidence and charisma. A certain type is not a requirement for me.

If all of this is given and I think that you fit into my portfolio, then I will answer you

Contact Form

Click for the Contact Form

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